Privacy policy

This privacy policy describes how collects and uses personal information, both in connection with visits to this site and when ordering the book. is owned and run by author David Beadle. This website is used to present and order copies of his book “Freedom is a lonely word”.


Like most other websites, this site uses “cookies”. Cookies are small pieces of data, stored in text files, that are stored on your computer or other device when websites are loaded in a browser. They are widely used to ‘remember’ you and your preferences, either for a single visit (through a ‘session cookie’) or for multiple repeat visits (using a ‘persistent cookie’). They ensure a consistent and efficient experience for visitors, and perform essential functions such as allowing users to register and remain logged in.

Order form

The website uses a contact form for ordering the book. Here, customers are asked to provide their names, postal address and email (phone number is optional). This information is necessary to process the order and ship the book.

This order form is based on WordPress-plugin called Contact Form 7. Here, the plugin is only used to send information should the order form to the author’s email. The content is not stored any other places and is not shared with third parties.

Web analysis

Information on visitors is collected through the WordPress-plugins WP Statistics and Yoast. Normally, this includes information such as IP-address, which pages are visited and browsers used. The information stored will only be used to measure visitor activity.